(0281) 2578501-11 (Ext. 408)

Hospital Management Library

Book No Title Author Publication Year ISBN Price
1 Developing Communication Skill Krishna Mohan,Meera Bhanderi Macmillan 1990 023-063-843-0 -
2 Developing Communication Skill Krishna Mohan,Meera Bhanderi Macmillan 1990 023-063-843-0 -
3 Essentials of Management Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich Tata McGraw Hill 2010 978-0-07-014495-8 -
4 Essentials of Management Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich Tata McGraw Hill 2010 978-0-07-014495-8 -
5 Essentials of Management Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich Tata McGraw Hill 2010 978-0-07-014495-8 -
6 Essentials of Management Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich Tata McGraw Hill 2010 978-0-07-014495-8 -
7 Computer in Medicien Dr.Ramchandra Tata Mgraw hill 2006 0-07-058535-0 -
8 Computer in Medicien Dr.Ramchandra Tata Mgraw hill 2006 0-07-058535-0 -
9 Computer in Medicien Dr.Ramchandra Tata Mgraw hill 2006 0-07-058535-0 -
10 Computer in Medicien Dr.Ramchandra Tata Mgraw hill 2006 0-07-058535-0 -
11 Supply Chain Management K.Shridhar Bhat Himalya 2010 978-81-8488-771-8 1500
12 Quality Beyond Six Sigma Ron Basu Nevan Wright Butterworth Helenemann 2003 0-7506-5561-5 -
13 Business Communication Kitty O. Locker Tata Mgraw hill 2007 978-0-07-062015-5 -
14 Textbook of Preventive and social Medicine MC Gupta Jaypee 1991 81-8061-070-5 425
15 Organizational Behaviour Karnataka state open uni. - - - -
16 Migration,Health,Development S.Lahiri Rawat 2011 978-81-316-0398-7 950
17 Health Care Systems Himanshu Sekhar New Century 2011 978-81-7708-279-1 2385
18 Strategic Innovation Allan Afuah Routledge 2009 978-0-415-99782-9 650
19 Handbook of Preventive and Social Medicine Dr.Vidya Ratan Jaypee 1970 81-7179-380-0 135
20 Essentials of Management Harolf Koonz mcgraw 2013 978-1-25-900512-1 -
21 Developing Communication Skill Krishna Mohan,Meera Bhanderi Macmillan 1990 978-0333-92919-3 155
22 Developing Communication Skill Krishna Mohan,Meera Bhanderi Macmillan 1990 978-0333-92919-3 155
23 Publication Health in India C.Chidam baranath Aavishkar 2011 978-81-7910-358-6 1100
24 Fundamentals of Computers V.Rajaraman Prentice Hall of India 2007 978-81-203-2581-4 195
25 Labour Management H.L.Kumar Universal 1993 81-7534-537-3 315
26 Principles of Hospital Admistration & planning B.M.Sakharkar Jaypee 1998 81-8448-632-4 895
27 Principles of Hospital Admistration & planning B.M.Sakharkar Jaypee 1998 81-8448-632-4 895
28 Principles of Hospital Admistration & planning B.M.Sakharkar Jaypee 1998 81-8448-632-4 895
29 Principles of Hospital Admistration & planning B.M.Sakharkar Jaypee 1998 81-8448-632-4 895
30 Principles of Hospital Admistration & planning B.M.Sakharkar Jaypee 1998 81-8448-632-4 895
31 Principles of Hospital Admistration & planning B.M.Sakharkar Jaypee 1998 81-7179-605-5 2507
32 Organisational Theory and Behavior B.s.Moshal Ane books 2006 81-8052-219-9 350
33 Operation research for Management G.V.Shenoy New Age Internation 1986 0-85226-917-X 200
34 Managerial Economics Karnataka state open uni. IPSD publication New Delhi 2008 - -
35 Management Theory and Practice Karnataka state open uni. IPSD publication New Delhi 2008 - -
36 Quantative Techniques Karnataka state open uni. IPSD publication New Delhi 2008 - -
37 Accounting for managers Karnataka state open uni. IPSD publication New Delhi 2008 - -
38 Business Ethics And Values Karnataka state open uni. IPSD publication New Delhi 2008 - -
39 Business Communication Peter Hartley and Clive G. B. Routledge 2010 0-415-19550-0 595
40 Multinational Corporate Strategy Finance Phil Molyneux Ane books 2009 81-8052-284-9 895
41 Fundamentals of Management Accounting H.V.Jhamb Ane books 2008 81-8052-246-6 210
42 Cost Accounting Nirmal Gupta and chhavi sharma Ane books 2009 81-8052-230-X 270
43 Introduction to Management Richard Pettinger Palgravge Machillan 2008 978-0-230-22649-4 -
44 Human Resource Arun Sekhri Himalya 2010 978-93-5024-061-8 1500
45 Fundamentals of Financial Accounting Naseem Ahmed, N A Khan and M L Gupta Ane books 2009 81-8052-229-6 295
46 Accounting for managers S.Jaya Pandian Ane books 2009 81-8050-213-X 320
47 Text book on law& Medicine Dr.Omprakash S C Hind Law Pub. 2007 - 250
48 Operation research for Management G.V.Shenoy New Age Internation 2006 0-85226-917-X 200
49 Labour Laws H.L.Kumar Universal Low publishing co. 2007 978-81-7534-587-4 175
50 Microsoft C Compler Version - - - - -
51 Marketing Strategy & Management Michal Plagrave macmillan 2003 978-0-230-22695-1 -
52 Organisational Structure of Health Care system and Administration S.L.Goel Deep Pub. 2010 978-81-8450-191-9 1600
53 Essential Quantitative methods Les Oksha Palgravge Machillan 2009 978-0-130-3277-3 -
54 Developing Communication Skill Krishna Mohan,Meera Bhanderi Macmillan 2007 0333-92919-5 155
55 Human Resource dr.suhas Himalya 2010 978-93-5024-676-4 550
56 Population,Gender and Reproductive health F.Ram , Sayeet and T V Sekher Ravat 2011 81-316-0394-6 925
57 Developing Communication Skill Krishna Mohan,Meera Bhanderi Macmillan 2007 0333-92919-5 155
58 Employers Rishts under Labour Laws H.L.Kumar Universal Low publishing co. 2007 81-7534-576-4 250
59 Labour Laws Ajay Garg A Nabhi Publication 2007 81-7274-599-0 90
60 Emerging and thrust areas of health care system S.L.Goel Deep Pub. 2010 978-81-8450-194-0 1800
61 Corporate Accounting Nirmal Gupta and chhavi sharma Ane books 2008 81-8052-203-2 270
62 Global: strategic Management Philippe Lasserre Palgrave Macmillan 2009 978-0-2303-2774-0 -
63 Dynamics of Indian Financial system Preeti Singh Ane books 2009 81-8052-197-4 210
64 Public Finance T.N Hajela Ane books 2009 81-8052-225-3 250
65 Total Quality Management Text&Casrs K.Shridhar Bhat Himalya 2009 pcp-030 350
66 Strategic Management Colin White Palgrave Macmillan 2009 978-0-230-53775-0 -
67 Business Communication R.C Bhatia Ane books 2009 81-8052-236-9 295
68 Principal of management B. S. Moshal Ane books 2009 81-8052-275-X 295
69 Principles of Hospital Admistration & planning B. M. Sakharkar Jaypee 2003 81-7179-609-5 250
70 Accounting for managers M.N.Arora Himalya 2010 978-93-5024-492-0 1500
71 Developing Communication Skill Krishna Mohan,Meera Bhanderi Macmillan 1990 10-033-92919-5 155
72 Thought Movement in Management education Jyoti Naik A commermorative publication 1999 - -
73 Micro Electro Mechanical System N.N.Jani Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2003 - 200
74 Decision Making and Control for Health Administratioin D.M.Warner,D.C.Holloway and Kyle L Grazier Health Administration 1984 0914904-85-X -
75 Principles of Hospital Admistration & planning B.M.Sakharkar Jaypee 2009 978-81-8448-632-2 895
76 Essentials of Management Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich Tata McGraw Hill 2010 978-0-07-014495-8 350
77 Essentials of Management Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich Tata McGraw Hill 2016 978-93-392-2286-4 645
78 Essentials of Management Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich Tata McGraw Hill 2016 978-93-392-2286-4 645
79 Essentials of Management Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich Tata McGraw Hill 2016 978-93-392-2286-4 645
80 Essentials of Management Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich Tata McGraw Hill 2016 978-93-392-2286-4 645
81 Essentials of Management Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich Tata McGraw Hill 2016 978-93-392-2286-4 645
82 Essentials of Management Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich Tata McGraw Hill 2016 978-93-392-2286-4 645
83 Essentials of Management Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich Tata McGraw Hill 2016 978-93-392-2286-4 645
84 Essentials of Management Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich Tata McGraw Hill 2016 978-93-392-2286-4 645
85 Essentials of Management Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich Tata McGraw Hill 2016 978-93-392-2286-4 645
86 Essentials of Management Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich Tata McGraw Hill 2016 978-93-392-2286-4 645
87 Essentials of Management Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich Tata McGraw Hill 2016 978-93-392-2286-4 645
88 Essentials of Management Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich Tata McGraw Hill 2016 978-93-392-2286-4 645
89 Essentials of Management Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich Tata McGraw Hill 2016 978-93-392-2286-4 645
90 Essentials of Management Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich Tata McGraw Hill 2016 978-93-392-2286-4 645
91 Essentials of Management Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich Tata McGraw Hill 2016 978-93-392-2286-4 645
92 Essentials of Management Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich Tata McGraw Hill 2016 978-93-392-2286-4 645
93 Essentials of Management Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich Tata McGraw Hill 2016 978-93-392-2286-4 645
94 Essentials of Management Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich Tata McGraw Hill 2016 978-93-392-2286-4 645
95 Essentials of Management Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich Tata McGraw Hill 2016 978-93-392-2286-4 645
96 Essentials of Management Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich Tata McGraw Hill 2016 978-93-392-2286-4 645
97 Essentials of Management Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich Tata McGraw Hill 2016 978-93-392-2286-4 645
98 Preventive and Social Medicine K. Park Bhanot 2017 978-93-82219-12-5 1200
99 Preventive and Social Medicine K. Park Bhanot 2017 978-93-82219-12-5 1200
100 Preventive and Social Medicine K. Park Bhanot 2017 978-93-82219-12-5 1200
101 Preventive and Social Medicine K. Park Bhanot 2017 978-93-82219-12-5 1200
102 Preventive and Social Medicine K. Park Bhanot 2017 978-93-82219-12-5 1200
103 Preventive and Social Medicine K. Park Bhanot 2017 978-93-82219-12-5 1200
104 Preventive and Social Medicine K. Park Bhanot 2017 978-93-82219-12-5 1200
105 Preventive and Social Medicine K. Park Bhanot 2017 978-93-82219-12-5 1200
106 Preventive and Social Medicine K. Park Bhanot 2017 978-93-82219-12-5 1200
107 Preventive and Social Medicine K. Park Bhanot 2017 978-93-82219-12-5 1200
108 Preventive and Social Medicine K. Park Bhanot 2017 978-93-82219-12-5 1200
109 Preventive and Social Medicine K. Park Bhanot 2017 978-93-82219-12-5 1200
110 Preventive and Social Medicine K. Park Bhanot 2017 978-93-82219-12-5 1200
111 Preventive and Social Medicine K. Park Bhanot 2017 978-93-82219-12-5 1200
112 Preventive and Social Medicine K. Park Bhanot 2017 978-93-82219-12-5 1200
113 Preventive and Social Medicine K. Park Bhanot 2017 978-93-82219-12-5 1200
114 Preventive and Social Medicine K. Park Bhanot 2017 978-93-82219-12-5 1200
115 Preventive and Social Medicine K. Park Bhanot 2017 978-93-82219-12-5 1200
116 Preventive and Social Medicine K. Park Bhanot 2017 978-93-82219-12-5 1200
117 Preventive and Social Medicine K. Park Bhanot 2017 978-93-82219-12-5 1200
118 Preventive and Social Medicine K. Park Bhanot 2017 978-93-82219-12-5 1200
119 Principles of Hospital Admistration & planning B.M.Sakharkar Jaypee 2009 978-81-8448-632-2 895
120 Principles of Hospital Admistration & planning B.M.Sakharkar Jaypee 2009 978-81-8448-632-2 895
121 Principles of Hospital Admistration & planning B.M.Sakharkar Jaypee 2009 978-81-8448-632-2 895
122 Principles of Hospital Admistration & planning B.M.Sakharkar Jaypee 2009 978-81-8448-632-2 895
123 Principles of Hospital Admistration & planning B.M.Sakharkar Jaypee 2009 978-81-8448-632-2 895
124 Principles of Hospital Admistration & planning B.M.Sakharkar Jaypee 2009 978-81-8448-632-2 895
125 Principles of Hospital Admistration & planning B.M.Sakharkar Jaypee 2009 978-81-8448-632-2 895
126 Principles of Hospital Admistration & planning B.M.Sakharkar Jaypee 2009 978-81-8448-632-2 895
127 Principles of Hospital Admistration & planning B.M.Sakharkar Jaypee 2009 978-81-8448-632-2 895
128 Principles of Hospital Admistration & planning B.M.Sakharkar Jaypee 2009 978-81-8448-632-2 895
129 Principles of Hospital Admistration & planning B.M.Sakharkar Jaypee 2009 978-81-8448-632-2 895
130 Principles of Hospital Admistration & planning B.M.Sakharkar Jaypee 2009 978-81-8448-632-2 895
131 Principles of Hospital Admistration & planning B.M.Sakharkar Jaypee 2009 978-81-8448-632-2 895
132 Principles of Hospital Admistration & planning B.M.Sakharkar Jaypee 2009 978-81-8448-632-2 895
133 Principles of Hospital Admistration & planning B.M.Sakharkar Jaypee 2009 978-81-8448-632-2 895
134 Principles of Hospital Admistration & planning B.M.Sakharkar Jaypee 2009 978-81-8448-632-2 895
135 Principles of Hospital Admistration & planning B.M.Sakharkar Jaypee 2009 978-81-8448-632-2 895
136 Principles of Hospital Admistration & planning B.M.Sakharkar Jaypee 2009 978-81-8448-632-2 895
137 Principles of Hospital Admistration & planning B.M.Sakharkar Jaypee 2009 978-81-8448-632-2 895
138 Operations Research For Management G V Shenoy, U K Srivastava, S C Sharma New Age International 1986 978-93-86073-17-3 350
139 Operations Research For Management G V Shenoy, U K Srivastava, S C Sharma New Age International 1986 978-93-86073-17-3 350
140 Operations Research For Management G V Shenoy, U K Srivastava, S C Sharma New Age International 1986 978-93-86073-17-3 350
141 Operations Research For Management G V Shenoy, U K Srivastava, S C Sharma New Age International 1986 978-93-86073-17-3 350
142 Operations Research For Management G V Shenoy, U K Srivastava, S C Sharma New Age International 1986 978-93-86073-17-3 350
143 Operations Research For Management G V Shenoy, U K Srivastava, S C Sharma New Age International 1986 978-93-86073-17-3 350
144 Operations Research For Management G V Shenoy, U K Srivastava, S C Sharma New Age International 1986 978-93-86073-17-3 350
145 Operations Research For Management G V Shenoy, U K Srivastava, S C Sharma New Age International 1986 978-93-86073-17-3 350
146 Operations Research For Management G V Shenoy, U K Srivastava, S C Sharma New Age International 1986 978-93-86073-17-3 350
147 Operations Research For Management G V Shenoy, U K Srivastava, S C Sharma New Age International 1986 978-93-86073-17-3 350
148 Operations Research For Management G V Shenoy, U K Srivastava, S C Sharma New Age International 1986 978-93-86073-17-3 350
149 Operations Research For Management G V Shenoy, U K Srivastava, S C Sharma New Age International 1986 978-93-86073-17-3 350
150 Operations Research For Management G V Shenoy, U K Srivastava, S C Sharma New Age International 1986 978-93-86073-17-3 350
151 Operations Research For Management G V Shenoy, U K Srivastava, S C Sharma New Age International 1986 978-93-86073-17-3 350
152 Operations Research For Management G V Shenoy, U K Srivastava, S C Sharma New Age International 1986 978-93-86073-17-3 350
153 Operations Research For Management G V Shenoy, U K Srivastava, S C Sharma New Age International 1986 978-93-86073-17-3 350
154 Operations Research For Management G V Shenoy, U K Srivastava, S C Sharma New Age International 1986 978-93-86073-17-3 350
155 Operations Research For Management G V Shenoy, U K Srivastava, S C Sharma New Age International 1986 978-93-86073-17-3 350
156 Operations Research For Management G V Shenoy, U K Srivastava, S C Sharma New Age International 1986 978-93-86073-17-3 350
157 Principles of Hospital Admistration & planning B.M.Sakharkar Jaypee 2009 978-81-8448-632-2 895
158 Principles of Hospital Admistration & planning B.M.Sakharkar Jaypee 2009 978-81-8448-632-2 895
159 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
160 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
161 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
162 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
163 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
164 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
165 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
166 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
167 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
168 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
169 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
170 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
171 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
172 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
173 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
174 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
175 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
176 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
177 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
178 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
179 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
180 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
181 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
182 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
183 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
184 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
185 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
186 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
187 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
188 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
189 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
190 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
191 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
192 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
193 Legal Aspects of Hospital Management B. G. Maniar Saurashtra University, Rajkot 2012 978-93-5067-201-3 150
194 Preventive and Social Medicine K. Park Bhanot 2017 978-93-82219-12-5 1200
195 Preventive and Social Medicine K. Park Bhanot 2017 978-93-82219-12-5 1200
196-A Business Communication J P Parikh Orient BlackSwan 2011 - -
197-A Hospital Management - - - - -
198-A Hospital Management - - - - -
199-A Hospital Management - - - - -
200-A Hospital Management - - - - -
201-A Hospital Management - - - - -
202-A Hospital Management - - - - -
203-A Hospital Management - - - - -
204-A Hospital Management - - - - -
205-A Hospital Management - - - - -
206-A Business Communication J P Parikh Orient BlackSwan 2011 - -
207-A Business Communication J P Parikh Orient BlackSwan 2011 - -
208-A Business Communication J P Parikh Orient BlackSwan 2011 - -
209-A Business Communication - - - - -
210-A Business Communication - - - - -
211-A Business Communication - - - - -
212-A Business Communication - - - - -
213-A Business Communication - - - - -
214-A Essentials of Management Harold Koontz and Heinz Weihrich Tata McGraw Hill 2010 978-0-07-014495-8 -
215-A Business Communication - - - - -
216-A Business Communication - - - - -
204 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
205 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
206 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
207 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
208 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
209 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
210 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
211 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
212 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
213 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
214 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
215 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
216 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
217 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
218 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
219 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
220 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
221 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
222 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
223 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
224 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
225 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
226 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
227 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
228 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
229 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
230 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
231 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
232 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
233 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
234 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
235 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
236 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
237 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
238 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
239 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
240 Fundamental Of Biostatistics Prof.Dr.G.C.Bhimani, Dr.M.V.Savsani and Dr.MS.J.N.Shah Parshva Publication 2017 978-93-5108-788-5 1000
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